
  • RC Job Openings

    Data Analytics Center Positions
    Research Scientist (AI Specialist)
    Research Scientist (Image Processing Specialist)

  • Ivy and Rio Secure Environment

    The UVA secure environment consits of Ivy virtual machines (Linux and Windows) and Rio HPC. Researchers can use Ivy and Rio to process and store sensitive data with the confidence that the environment is secure and meets HIPAA, FERPA, CUI or ITAR (Rio excluded) requirements. To access the High security Rio HPC, researchers need to request an Ivy Linux VM which serves as a login node.
    Facilities Statement - Are you submitting a grant proposal and need standard information about UVA research computing environments? Get it here. Overview Ivy provides virtual computing environments (virtual machines) specifically designed for interactive and small-scale analysis of highly sensitive data.

  • Using UVA’s High-Performance Computing Systems

    Afton is the University of Virginia’s newest High-Performance Computing system. The Afton supercomputer is comprised of 300 compute node each with 96 compute cores based on the AMD EPYC 9454 architecture for a total of 28,800 cores. The increase in core count is augmented by a significant increase in memory per node compared to Rivanna. Each Afton node boasts a minimum of 750 Gigabytes of memory, with some supporting up to 1.5 Terabytes of RAM memory. The large amount of memory per node allows researchers to efficiently work with the ever-expanding datasets we are seeing across diverse research disciplines. The Afton and Rivanna systems provide access to 55 nodes with NVIDIA general purpose GPU accelerators (RTX2080, RTX3090, A6000, V100, A40, and A100), including an NVIDIA BasePOD.
  • Microservice Deployments

    Kubernetes is a container orchestrator for both short-running (such as workflow/pipeline stages) jobs and long-running (such as web and database servers) services. Containerized applications running in the UVARC Kubernetes cluster are visible to UVA Research networks (and therefore from Rivanna, Afton, Skyline, etc.). Web applications can be made visible to the UVA campus or the public Internet. Kubernetes Research Computing runs microservices in a Kubernetes cluster that automates the deployment of many containers, making their
    management easy and scalable. This cluster will eventually consist of several dozen instances, >2000 cores and >2TB of memory allocated to
    running containerized services. It will also have over 300TB of cluster storage and can attach to both project and

  • Container Services

    – Container-based architecture, also known as “microservices,” is an approach to designing and running applications as a distributed set of components or layers. Such applications are typically run within containers, made popular in the last few years by Docker. Containers are portable, efficient, reusable, and contain code and any dependencies in a single package. Containerized services typically run a single process, rather than an entire stack within the same environment. This allows developers to replace, scale, or troubleshoot portions of their entire application at a time. General Availability (GA) of Kubernetes - Research Computing now manages microservice orchestration with Kubernetes, the open-source tool from Google.
  • Globus Data Transfer

    Globus is a simple, reliable, and fast way to access and move your research data between systems. Globus allows you to transfer data to and from systems such as:
    Laptops & personal workstations Rivanna/Afton HPC clusters High-Security Research Standard Storage Lab / departmental storage Tape archives Cloud storage Off-campus resources (ACCESS, National Labs) Globus can help you share research data with colleagues and co-investigators, or to move data back and forth between a lab workstation and Rivanna/Afton or your personal computer.
    Are your data stored at a different institution? At a supercomputing facility? All you need is your institution’s login credentials.

  • ACCORD: Jupyter Lab

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    Jupyter Lab allows for interactive, notebook-based analysis of data. A good choice for pulling quick results or refining your code in numerous languages including Python, R, Julia, bash, and others.
    Learn more about Jupyter Lab

  • ACCORD: RStudio

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    RStudio is the standard IDE for research using the R programming language.
    Learn more about RStudio

  • ACCORD: Theia IDE

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    Theia Python is a rich IDE that allows researchers to manage their files and data, write code with an intelligent editor, and execute code within a terminal session.
    Learn more about the Theia Python IDE