Douglas Bayliss, Department of Pharmacology
Characterizing RTN Population Activity Following Hypercapnia and Drub Challenges Using in vitro Calcium Imaging
Zezhou Cheng, Department of Computer Science
Detect, Track, and Relate Anythin in 3D
Nick Guagliardo, Department of Pharmacology
Analysis of Calcium Activity in Ex Vivio Adrenal Slices
Yangfeng Ji, Department of Computer Science
Legal Document Analysis via Large Language Models: A Preliminary Study on Constitutional Court of Colombia
Sheng Li, School of Data Science
Towards Efficient and Reliable Reasoning with Large Language Models
Thomas Loughran, Division of Hematology & Oncology
LGL Leukemia Medical Data Extraction and Search Program for Translational Research
Nikhil Shukla, Charles L. Brown Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Scalable Combinatorics Accelerator Inspired by Physics
Bon Trinh, Division of Experimental Pathology
Virtual Compound Screening for Cancer-Causing Proteins
Alan Bergland, Department of Biology
Drosophila Evolution through Space and Time 2.0 – Data Repository Updates
Josh Colston, Division of Infectious Diseases & International Health
Pipeline Feasibility Study and Dashboard Implementation for the Planetary Child Health & Enterics Observatory Plan (Plan-EO)
Matthew Crawford, Division of Infectious Diseases & International Health
Research Computing to Guide the Functional Optimization of Anti-bacterial Peptides
Gretchen Gamrat, McIntire School of Commerce
To Buy or Not to Buy: Effectiveness of Boycotts in Consumer Goods
Andres Norambuena, Department of Biology
Using AlphFold2 to Unveil Seminal Molecular Dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s Disease
Alexander Podboy, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Outcomes of Dexmedetomidine during ERCP on post-ERCP Pancreatitis
David Rekosh, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology
Analysis of ONT Long-Read Data to Elucidate Differential mRNA Isoform Expression Induced by Viral and Cellular Proteins
Heman Shakeri, School of Data Science
CLEAR-iOP: Comprehensive Learning Engine for Assessment of Risk in IntraOcular Pressure
Sarah Siegrist, Department of Biology
Identifying Cell Types within Three Dimensional Tissues across Populations
Jeffrey Smith, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Dissecting the Role of Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase Coding Genes in Calori Restriction-Driven Longivity
Cynthia Tong, Department of Psychology
Intensive Longitudinal Data Analysis and Compositional Predictors
Justin Yaworsky, Department of Emergency Medicine
STEMI Database Development and Deep Learning ECG Algorithm for STEMI Diagnosis in Emergency Department Patients
Steven Johnson, McIntire School of Commerce
Distribution and Discovery of Digital Information (3Di)
Jingjing Li, McIntire School of Commerce
Responsible-by-Design: Combating Biases in Generative AI Applications