RC staff are teaching a series of free hands-on workshops this summer that are open to all UVA researchers. Space is limited, so register today! Topics include:
Programming in Python (June 3-June 5) R (June 3-June 4) MATLAB (June 5-June 7 and June 13) Compiled Languages, C++ and Fortran (June 6-June 7) Scientific Image Processing with Fiji/ImageJ (June 10) Introduction to High-Performance Computing (June 10) Software Design and Testing (June 11) HPC Data Analytics (June 11) Parallel Programming Using MPI (June 12-June 13) Bioinformatics (June 12) Scientific Visualization (June 14) OpenMP and Accelerators (June 14) Register through the new CADRE Academy portal.
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From his lab in the Center for Public Health Genomics at UVa, Nathan Sheffield seeks to develop a deeper understanding of functional genomics. Dr. Sheffield and his collaborators study epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, which can involve analyzing enrichment of genomic region set data. By identifying patterns of enriched genomic regions, one can differentiate between normal and diseased gene regulation. Dr. Sheffield builds on this research focus as well as a history of open-source software development with the publication of LOLAweb: A containerized web server for interactive genomic locus overlap enrichment analysis as part of a special web server issue of Nucleic Acids Research.
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UVA Research Computing (RC) is a new program that aims to support computational biomedical research by providing advanced cyberinfrastructure and expertise in data analysis at scale. Our mission is to foster a culture of computational thinking and promote interdisciplinary collaboration in various data-driven research domains. We offer services related to high performance computing, cloud architecture, scientific programming and big data solutions. We also aim to promote computationally intensive research at UVA through collaborative efforts such as UVA’s own CADRE (Computation And Data Resource Exchange) and XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment).
One of our driving philosophies is that researchers already have medical and scientific expertise, and should not have to become computing experts on top of that.
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